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U3a The University of the third age Epping Forest

The U3A is a learning and social co-operative made up of independent groups set up and run on a voluntary basis by the members. There are no assessments or qualifications to be gained and the accent is on learning for pleasure, drawing on the skills and knowledge of the members.

In Epping Forest U3A we have over 60 groups covering a diverse range of subjects including art, mathematics, languages, music, history, board games, crafts, wildlife walks, computing and photography to mention but a few, plus a wide range of social activities.

We hold a monthly meeting which is open to all members and is held on the first Monday of each month (unless this falls on a bank holiday, in which case it is held the following Monday). These meetings are held in Theydon Bois Village Hall, commencing at 10.30 am and where newsletters can be collected.

Epping Forest, Essex
01277 362755 or 0208 466 6139