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Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA)

 IMCAs are a safeguard for people who lack capacity to make some important decisions.

The IMCA role is to support and represent the person in the decision-making process. Essentially they make sure that the Mental Capacity Act 2005 is being followed.

An independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA) must be instructed for people in the following circumstances

The person is aged 16 or over
A decision needs to be made about either a long-term change in accommodation or serious medical treatment,
The person lacks capacity to make that decision, and
There is no one independent of services, such as a family member or friend, who is “appropriate to consult”.
An IMCA may also be provided to people for other decisions concerning

Care Reviews, or Adult Protection 
In adult protection cases an IMCA may be instructed even where family members or others are available to be consulted.

Watson House, 54 Baker Street, London, W1U 7EX
Umbrella org:
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Area serviced:
020 7024 7650
020 7024 7651