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Money Advice Service

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We are an independent service, set up by government to help people make the most of their money, we give free, unbiased money advice to everyone across the UK - online, over the phone and face to face.

Our trained staff are here to help you work out what's right for you. Whatever your question we're here to help and, if we don't know the answer, we'll point you in the right direction to someone who does. No problem or question is too small - try us and see.

There are many options available for getting help with your finances. If you follow the suggestions below you can be sure the advice you'll get will be free, reliable and unbiased.

Get free money advice


There are lots of charities and government organisations offering free advice on a range of money issues.


Contact us at the Money Advice Service on 0300 500 5000. Whatever your question, we're here to help, and if we don't know the answer, we'll point you in the direction of someone who does.

Get free debt advice


You don't need to pay a debt management company to sort out your money worries - there's lots of free, confidential help and advice available.


Read our guide Where to go to get free debt advice for a list of charities and other organisations who can help you

Get free pensions advice


If you've decided you don't want to pay for a financial adviser when it comes to your pension - the Pensions Advisory service is a free, independent voluntary organisation funded by government.


Contact the Pensions Advisory Service for free information and advice on company, personal and stakeholder pension schemes plus how your State Pension interacts with other pensions you may have

Get free tax advice


If you're on a low income and have a tax problem to sort out, you don't have to pay to resolve it - you can get help and advice for free.


Contact the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group - they provide tax help for people on low incomes including students, pensioners and disabled people.
Or get in touch with Tax Help for Older People - they are an independent and free tax advice service for older people on low incomes who can't afford professional advice.

If you would prefer to speak to someone face to face, we work with a number of partners across the UK to deliver free unbiased money advice face to face. To book a face-to-face Money Advice session please see below (call rates may vary).

England - 0333 321 3434 or book online


Holborn Centre, 120 Holborn, London, EC1N 2TD
Adviceline: 0800 138 7777 - HQ:020 7943 0500

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Subject Definitions

Subject Overviews are currently being developed.