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Crisis Recovery Unit

The Self-harm Outpatient Service is a national, specialist service based at the Maudsley Hospital. We provide outpatient assessment, treatment and care for people, aged 18 and over who repeatedly self-harm and that other services have found didfficult to help.

National services are for people who live throughout the United Kingdom.

We care for people who self-harm and who also have mental health problems, including eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and alcohol or drug abuse.

Our treatment programme includes psychotherapy and cognitive analytical therapy (CAT). CAT is a talking treatment that helps people to see how early relationships and experiences have affected how they see themselves, other people and how they behave. It focuses on a problem that is important to the person.

Our aim is to reduce self-harm incidents and help to maintain people’s health.

Outpatient Department Maudsley Hospital Denmark Hill London SE5 8AZ
Area serviced:
020 3228 4414
020 3228 4407