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Opening Doors London - Transgender

Age Concern England's overview of ageing issues for older transvestite, transgender and transsexual people and those planning for later life, as well as for people who wish to offer support. It introduces a range of legal, financial and social care issues that are dealt with in detail in Age Concern’s Information Sheet IS30 ‘Planning for later life: transgender people’.

Transgender (or ‘trans’) is an umbrella term used to include many people whose lifestyles appear to conflict with the gender norms of society. This section of the Information Sheet explains who transvestite, transgender and transsexual people are. It also covers sexual orientation – for example, trans people may be straight or they may be lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB). They may also have some legal issues in common with LGB people, but their lives are far more complex and the consequences of discrimination may well be different.


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020 7239 0400.